What Who Aims Structure
What is ARIES?
PROJECT ACRONYM: Accelerator Research and Innovation for European Science and Society |
ARIES, or Accelerator Research and Innovation for European Science and Society, is an Integrating Activity project dedicated to the research, development and innovation of European particle accelerators and their related infrastructure and technology. The project will run for a duration of four years from May 2017 to April 2022 and is co-funded by the European Commission under its Horizon 2020 programme.
Future accelerators will need higher energy and luminosity to allow scientists to continue exploring the fundamental building blocks of the universe. To reach this goal new technologies and materials must first be developed so accelerator infrastructures can cope with the requirements of future research.
Accelerators and their related technologies are used in a variety of different scientific disciplines and have broad applications in fields such as industry, healthcare, energy, environment, security and cultural heritage.
ARIES will combine an innovative programme of R&D with wider involvement and engagement from the scientific community to help ensure the future of accelerators is secured.
Who is involved?
ARIES comprises 41 partners from academic and industry from 18 different European countries, and includes CERN. The work is structured across 18 Work Packages, encompassing a range of Networking Activities (NAs), Joint Research Activities (JRAs) and Transnational Access Activities (TNAs).

Aims of ARIES
The key aims of the project are as follows:
- To develop and demonstrate novel concepts and further improve existing accelerator technology
- To provide European researchers and industry with access to top-class accelerator research and test infrastructures
- To enlarge and integrate the European accelerator community
- To develop a joint strategy for securing sustainable accelerator S&T
- To support innovative technologies with market potential by advancing concepts and designs for medical, industrial and environmental applications of accelerators for the benefits of European society as a whole.