Year 1
MS no. |
Milestone name |
WP |
Task |
Planned delivery date |
Actual delivery date |
Status |
Comments |
MS1 | Kick-off meeting | WP1 | 1.1 | M2 | 03/07/2017 | Achieved | Report |
MS2 | Kick-off Meeting of ARIES-TIARA working-group | WP1 | 1.3 | M3 | 28/03/2018 | Achieved | Report |
MS22 | EuroNNAC3 Kick-Off Meeting | WP5 | 5.1 | M3 | 22/12/2017 | Achieved | Report |
MS49 | Organisation of WP15 kick-off meeting | WP15 | 15.1 | M3 | 30/08/2017 | Achieved | Report |
MS3 | Forming all official bodies required by the governance | WP1 | 1.1 | M6 | 29/03/2018 | Achieved | Report |
MS10 | Project website launched | WP2 | 2.2 | M6 | 20/10/2017 | Achieved | Report |
MS50 | First sample substrates cleaned at INFN for depositing at partners | WP15 | 15.2 | M6 | 20/10/2017 | Achieved | Report |
MS58 | Organisation of PowerMat kick-off meeting | WP17 | 17.1 | M6 | 20/10/2017 | Achieved | Report |
MS63 | Setup simulation framework for acceleration and radiation generation in wakefields driven by lasers with orbital angular momentum | WP18 | 18.3 | M6 | 20/10/2017 | Achieved | Report |
MS17 | Contribute to Workshop on Energy for Sustainable Science | WP4 | 4.1 | M7 | 22/12/2017 | Achieved | Report |
MS33 | First general workshop of the RULE network | WP7 | 7.1 | M9 | 28/03/2018 | Achieved | Report |
MS4 | 1st Annual Meeting | WP1 | 1.1 | M12 | 10/08/2018 | Achieved | Report |
MS11 | Meeting to agree MOOC platform and academic structure and content of e-learning course | WP2 | 2.4 | M12 | 08/05/2018 | Achieved | Report |
MS13 | Current applications of e-beam accelerators up to 10 MeV | WP3 | 3.2 | M12 | 26/04/2018 | Achieved | Report |
MS23 | EAAC and Yearly Meeting EuroNNAc3 I | WP5 | 5.4 | M12 | 26/04/2018 | Achieved | Report |
MS26 | Report on 1st Annual workshops of all tasks | WP6 | 6.1 | M12 | 14/05/2018 | Achieved | Report |
MS34 | First topical meeting of the RULE network: injector | WP7 | 7.2 | M12 | 14/05/2018 | Achieved | Report |
MS39 | Report on 1st Annual workshops of all tasks | WP8 | 8.1 | M12 | 22/06/2018 | Achieved | Report |
MS42 | Appointing of an Industrial Advisory Board, (IAB) | WP14 | 14.3 | M12 | 09/04/2018 | Achieved | Report |
MS47 | Reviewed requirements document | WP14 | 14.6 | M12 | 18/04/2018 | Achieved | Report |
MS64 | Setup of experimental facilities for laser wakefield acceleration experiments using laser drivers with orbital angular momentum | WP18 | 18.3 | M12 | 30/04/2018 | Achieved | Report |
Year 2
MS no. |
Milestone name |
WP |
Task |
Planned delivery date |
Actual delivery date |
Status |
Comments |
MS18 | Workshop on low loss superconducting RF | WP4 | 4.2 | M13 | 26/11/2018 | Achieved | Report |
MS45 | First HTS Short Length produce via new process | WP14 | 14.5 | M14 | 13/06/2018 | Achieved | Report |
MS51 | First samples exchanged (system 1 and 2) and deposited at partners | WP15 | 15.3 15.4 |
M14 | 24/10/2018 | Achieved | Report |
MS35 | First topical meeting of the RULE network: technology | WP7 | 7.3 | M15 | 17/09/2018 | Achieved | Report |
MS14 | New industrial applications of electron beams | WP3 | 3.3 | M18 | 29/10/2018 | Achieved | Report |
MS53 | Conceptual layout of electron gun and power modulator completed | WP16 | 16.3 | M18 | 05/11/2018 | Achieved | Report |
MS19 | Workshop on efficient RF generation | WP4 | 4.4 | M19 | 16/09/2019 | Achieved | Report |
MS48 | Reviewed design and system configuration document, updated software | WP14 | 14.6 | M21 | 11/03/2019 | Achieved | Report |
MS5 | Identification of mechanisms for sustainable collaborative R&D | WP1 | 1.3 | M24 | 29/06/2020 | Achieved | Report |
MS6 | 2nd Annual Meeting | WP1 | 1.1 | M24 | 06/06/2019 | Achieved | Report |
MS7 | Mid-term Review | WP1 | 1.1 | M24 | 24/02/2020 | Achieved | Report |
MS12 | Workshop on training activities in Europe in a global context | WP2 | 2.3 | M24 | 28/05/2020 | Achieved | Report |
MS15 | Medical applications of high energy electron beams | WP3 | 3.4 | M24 | 30/04/2019 | Achieved | Report |
MS24 | Yearly Meeting EuroNNAc3 II | WP5 | 5.1 | M24 | 01/04/2019 | Achieved | Report |
MS27 | Report on 2nd Annual workshops of all tasks | WP6 | 6.1 | M24 | 30/04/2019 | Achieved | Report |
MS28 | Parameter database for various ERL & Linac facilities | WP6 | 6.5 | M24 | 30/04/2019 | Achieved | Report |
MS36 | Second topical meeting of the RULE network: injector | WP7 | 7.2 | M24 | 07/06/2019 | Achieved | Report |
MS40 | Report on 2nd Annual workshops of all tasks | WP8 | 8.1 | M24 | 30/04/2019 | Achieved | Report |
MS43 | 1st academia-meets-industry event | WP14 | 14.3 | M24 | 30/04/2019 | Achieved | Report |
MS54 | Design of test stand and beam diagnostics completed | WP16 | 16.4 | M24 | 26/07/2019 | Achieved | Report |
MS55 | Conceptual design of integrated set-up completed | WP16 | 16.2 | M24 | 14/01/2021 | Achieved | Report |
Year 3
MS no. |
Milestone name |
WP |
Task |
Planned delivery date |
Actual delivery date |
Status |
Comments |
MS52 | First samples exchanged (system 3 and SIS) and deposited at partners | WP15 | 15.3 15.4 |
M26 | 26/07/2019 | Achieved | Report |
MS37 | Second topical meeting of the RULE network: technology | WP7 | 7.3 | M27 | 23/10/2019 | Achieved | Report |
MS56 | Engineering design of electron gun and power modulator completed | WP16 | 16.3 | M27 | 26/06/2020 | Achieved | Report |
MS59 | Irradiation campaigns at GSI for radiation hardness studies | WP17 | 17.3 | M27 | 29/07/2019 | Achieved | Report |
MS16 | Study of different options for PET isotope production | WP3 | 3.5 | M30 | 23/10/2019 | Achieved | Report |
MS65 | Final design of the ARIES dielectric structure for relativistic beams | WP18 | 18.4 | M30 | 19/12/2019 | Achieved | Report |
MS20 | Workshop on efficient neutron targets and moderators | WP4 | 4.3 | M31 | 14/02/2020 | Achieved | Report |
MS25 | EAAC and Yearly Meeting EuroNNAc3 III | WP5 | 5.4 | M32 | 20/12/2019 | Achieved | Report |
MS38 | Second general workshop of the RULE network | WP7 | 7.1 | M33 | 06/04/2021 | Achieved | Report |
MS8 | 3rd Annual Meeting | WP1 | 1.1 | M36 | 26/06/2020 | Achieved | Report |
MS29 | Report on 3rd Annual workshops of all tasks | WP6 | 6.1 | M36 | 03/06/2020 | Achieved | Report |
MS41 | Report on 3rd Annual workshops of all tasks | WP8 | 8.1 | M36 | 09/04/2020 | Achieved | Report |
MS44 | 2nd academic-meets-industry event | WP14 | 14.3 | M36 | 27/07/2021 | Achieved | Report |
MS46 | Characterization of first long length conductor | WP14 | 14.5 | M36 | 03/04/2020 | Achieved | Report |
MS60 | Irradiation effects analysis | WP17 | 17.3 | M36 | 03/06/2020 | Achieved | Report |
MS66 | Start of commissioning interstage line | WP18 | 18.2 | M36 | 15/12/2021 | Achieved | Report |
Year 4
MS no. |
Milestone name |
WP |
Task |
Planned delivery date |
Actual delivery date |
Status |
Comments |
MS21 | Workshop on efficient magnets/beam transport | WP4 | 4.5 | M37 | 19/10/2021 |
Report | |
MS30 | Strategies for e-cloud mitigation in future accelerators | WP6 | 6.4 | M40 | 23/09/2020 | Achieved | Report | |
MS31 | Identification & prioritization of mitigation approaches | WP6 | 6.2 | M40 | 02/10/2020 | Achieved | Report | |
MS61 | Comparative compendium of materials developed | WP17 | 17.2 | M40 | 09/12/2020 | Achieved | Report | |
MS57 | Assembly of test stand with beam diagnostics completed | WP16 | 16.4 | M42 | 13/12/2021 | Achieved | Report | |
MS32 | Feasibility of an Open Data Infrastructure for accelerator reliability | WP6 | 6.3 | M44 | 28/10/2020 | Achieved | Report | |
MS62 | Dissemination of R&D results on novel materials for accelerator and societal applications | WP17 | 17.5 | M46 | 29/06/2022 | Achieved | Report | |
MS9 | 4th Annual Meeting | WP1 | 1.1 | M48 | 27/07/2021 | Achieved | Report |