WP5: European Network for Novel Accelerators (EuroNNAC)


Particle accelerators at DESY (Image: DESY 2015)


  • Coordinate and monitor WP5 activities
  • Implement an open exchange platform (i.e., workshops and coordinated European strategy)
  • Develop European strategies for plasma accelerators for electron and hadron beams
  • Foster discussions on a European strategy for and applications of dielectric structures
  • Foster networking and development of young and early career researchers


Task # Task name Task Leader
5.1 Coordination and Communication Ralph Assmann (DESY)
5.2 European Strategy Plasma Accelerators Ralph Assmann (DESY)
Alban Mosnier (CEA)
Arnd Specka (CEA)
5.3 European Strategy Dielectric Accelerators Ralph Assmann (DESY)
5.4 European Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop (EAAC) Massimo Ferrario (INFN)
5.5 Young Scientist Networking and Academic Standards Roman Walczak (Oxford)