WP15: Thin film for Superconducting RF Cavities (TF-SRF)


Argon plasma during deposition of the 6 GHz Monocell Copper Cavity with a niobium superconductive thin film (Image: Cristian Pira / INFN-LNL, Italy) 


  • Coordinate and monitor WP15 activities
  • Define surface preparation and treatment of substrate used for thin film deposition
  • Develop and test new coatings and techniques for superconducting RF cavities
  • Define material, thickness and structure to be deposited using various deposition techniques
  • Perform various superconductivity evaluation tests on samples of superconducting films
  • Coordinate superconducting RF evaluation in three laboratories (HZB, CERN and STFC)
  • Define characteristics of technology best able to produce superconducting film for RF cavities.


Task # Task name Task leader
15.1 Coordination and Communication Oleg Malyshev (STFC)
15.2 Substrate surface preparation Cristian Pira (INFN)
15.3 Thin film deposition and analysis Reza Valizadeh (STFC)
15.4 Superconductivity evaluation Oliver Kugeler (HZB)

WP15 Partners