WP2: Training, Communication and Outreach for Accelerator Science


  • Coordinate and monitor WP2 activities
  • Implement internal and external project communications and outreach activities
  • Monitor provision for training in Europe and within a global context
  • Promote training best practices
  • Produce an introductory e-learning course on accelerator science


Task # Task name Task Leader
2.1 Coordination and work package communication Phil Burrows (Oxford)
2.2 Coordination, support and enhancement of communications/outreach activities for accelerators in Europe Daniela Antonio (CERN)
2.3 Coordination, support and enhancement of training activities for accelerators in Europe Yogi Rutambhara (ESS)
2.4 Provide an e-learning course: introduction to accelerator science, engineering and technology Nicolas Delerue (CNRS)