A view of the storage rings at the ANKA facility (Image: KIT IBPT)
The Institute for Beam Physics and Technology (IBPT) operates the test facility ANKA (Angströmquelle Karlsruhe) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) based in Germany.
The test facility for accelerator and detector R&D with electrons and photons is part of the KIT accelerator technology platform (ATP), allows research in accelerator physics and instrumentation or by using the emitted synchrotron radiation. The accelerator complex consists of a 53 MeV microtron, a 500 MeV booster synchrotron and a 2.5 GeV storage ring with a circumference of 110.4 m.
The synchrotron can be filled with an arbitrary, operator-defined bunch pattern ranging from a single-bunch to multiple bunches spaced by 368 ns to 2 ns, respectively. Resulting synchrotron radiation leads to photon pulses with repetition rates from 2.7 MHz to 500 MHz. The storage ring is equipped with state-of-the-art and advanced ps and fs electron and photon beam diagnostics.
Support offered
ANKA will provide access for eight periods of 2.5 days per experiment (totalling 480 hours all together).
Users will be offered on site safety training and KIT staff will provide assistance during the test campaign. In addition, users will be granted access to onsite facilities for the duration of their stay, including temporary storage of data and library services.
Interested parties are encouraged to contact the Coordinator at KIT before beginning the formal application process with brief details of the test campaign proposal to discuss the experiment’s feasibility.
ANKA Facility Coordinator: Robert Ruprecht