Illustration of the SINBAD facility currently under construction at DESY (Image: DESY)
SINBAD ("Short Innovative Bunches and Accelerators at Desy") is an electron linear accelerator R&D facility located at the DESY lab in Hamburg, Germany. The facility is currently under construction and will be available to users early 2019.
The linac will accelerate electron bunches of 0.1-20 pC charge to 100 MeV kinetic energy, compressing them to only a few fs in bunch length.
Electron bunches are, for example, ideally suited for injection into advanced acceleration scenarios, such as plasma wakefield or laser acceleration in dielectric structures.
Support offered
Users must comply with DESY safety regulations and stringent UHV requirements in photo-injectors. Users are encouraged to work in close collaboration with local staff, although this is not required.
Users will receive support prior to their visit to the facility (ie via vacuum guidelines and synchronization), and will be assisted by DESY staff during the preparation and operation of the facility during the experiment.
Interested parties are encouraged to contact the Facility Coordinator before beginning the formal application process with brief details of the test campaign proposal.
SINBAD Facility Coordinator: Ulrich Dorda