The HiRadMat experimental target station at CERN (Image: CERN)
HiRadMat, or “High-Radiation to Materials”, is a user facility based at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland. HiRadMat serves testing material samples and accelerator components using high-intensity pulsed particle beams. The facility offers testing with both proton and ion beams, accessible to worldwide collaborations for scientific research.
A 440 GeV proton beam (or an ion beam equivalent) is extracted from CERN’s Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) and into the HiRadMad experimental test area. Beam pulse intensity and beam spot size at the focal point can be varied allowing testing of materials with different energy deposition densities.
Support offered
Users will have full access to the CERN infrastructure and CERN staff will available to assist in preparation, during and after the test campaign. This support includes: preparation of the test area, provision of a control room, support to logistics, transport and installation of equipment, provision of high-performance instrumentation for testing and measurements, support in design, integration, operation and safety.
The ARIES TA funds will also support the travel and subsistence of users visiting HiRadMat.
Interested parties are encouraged to contact the HiRadMat Coordinator before beginning the formal application process with brief details of the test campaign proposal.
HiRadMat Facility Coordinator: Nikos Charotinidis