HI100 versatile and user friendly environment for Laser Plasma Acceleration studies at LIDYL (CEA-CNRS, Université Paris Saclay) (Image: Ph. Stroppa / CEA)
The LPA-UHI100 installation is located at the LIDYL laboratory which operates the Saclay Laser-matter Interaction Center (SLIC) infrastructure at CEA-Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France. UHI100 provides the most intense laser to the laboratory.
The facility delivers 100TW at 10Hz with a 25fs pulse duration, and on target intensities range from 1018-1019 W/cm2. This short pulse duration combined with ultra-high contrast, ultra-high intensity and radiation-protected experimental areas means the facility is best suited for ultra-high intensity experiments.
One of the facility’s experimental areas, the LPA-UHI100 installation, will be made available to users through the ARIES TA program.
Support offered
The facility will provide a total of 640 access units (hours) to users. This is to comprise 4 campaigns of 4 weeks each, with 2 to 3 users per campaign.
Specific equipment required will be installed over the first 2 of 20 days, and the experiment will be carried out over the remaining days.
Local staff including engineers and researchers will be available to implement installation and operate the facility during the test campaign.
Interested parties are encouraged to contact the Facility Access Coordinator before beginning the formal application process with brief details of the test campaign proposal.
LPA-UHI100 Facility Access Coordinator: Brigitte Cros
LPA-UHI Facility Coordinator: Sandrine Dobosz Dufrenoy